Let the worshippers come!

Let the worshippers come!

It's super busy here in the office as we contact worship teams, volunteers, host homes, prep for meetings with the park service, and so much more. Keep our team in prayer as we blaze away working hard to make David's Tent a reality!

Here's Aaron, Kim, and Becca plowing through emails and scheduling worship teams. Is your worship team signed up yet? Email them at worship@davidstentdc.org and bring an even bigger smile to their faces!

Abundant blessings,


Aaron, Kim, and Becca scheduling bands

How can I help?

Many of you have been asking how you can help with David's Tent! Here's a few simple ways:

1. Come! Make plans now to visit DC and join us lifting Jesus up at the tent!

2. Spread the word! We have several videos available on youtube–share these on your facebook wall, at your church, and to your email contact list.

3. Sign up your worship team, and invite worship teams you know would be interested.

4. Sign up to volunteer at the tent full time if you are able, preferably for as many of the 40 days as you can. 

5. If you are local to the DC area, get your church involved with hosting visiting worship teams and volunteers.

Any of the above ways are a HUGE help to us! And if you can't volunteer or even attend, you can still spread the word!

Every blessing, and see you September 25th!
