Come lead worship in the nation’s capital!

Come lead worship in the nation’s capital!

Being able to praise God  in public freely from the center of our nation's capital is an incredible blessing. If you are a worship leader or know a worship leader that has not had this opportunity yet, I strongly encourage you to sign up for David's Tent! There are still some slots remaining. You don't want to let this pass you by! Email for more information.

I took this photo a couple weeks ago at the Sylvan Theater, directly across the Washington Monument from the Ellipse. The presence of God was so rich on this beautiful summer evening as we lifted high the name of Jesus. It was just a fortaste of what is to come this fall–I can't wait for September 25th! See you there!


Dawn on the Ellipse

Dawn on the Ellipse


As we continue our 30 day 24/7 prayer watch on the ellipse leading up to David's Tent, dawn remains one of my favorite times of the day. There's just something so special about watching the sun come up as our gaze remains fixed on the Son. Seeing light overcome darkness brings great joy to my spirit, even as God continues to show his new mercies every single morning!

I've posted this video before, but if you haven't seen it yet make sure you check it out!

Here's another photo I took of dawn on Constitution Avenue, bordering the ellipse. This photo really screams Psalm 57 to me as we awaken the dawn with prayer and worship every morning! It's all about You Jesus! 


Psalm 57:7-11

 7My heart is steadfast, O God,
    my heart is steadfast!
I will sing and make melody!
    Awake, my glory![b]
Awake, O harp and lyre!
    I will awake the dawn!
I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples;
    I will sing praises to you among the nations.
10 For your steadfast love is great to the heavens,
    your faithfulness to the clouds.

11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens!
    Let your glory be over all the earth!





Be abundantly blessed, see you at the tent!


Photo Update

Photo Update

This photo looks across the ellipse at the site of David's Tent towards the Washington Monument. So excited to be here every morning and see this view! Our team is actually holding a 24/7 prayer watch leading up to the tent right here on the ellipse, right now! Keep our team in prayer, and keep spreading the word!

Abundant Blessings,



30 Days until David’s Tent!

30 Days until David’s Tent!

30 days until David's Tent! There's such excitement and anticipation in the air. Today we begin a 24/7 intercession watch to prepare the ground for David's Tent. Join with us as we pray and count down the days until America joins in a joyful song of praise here on the White House Ellipse!

Here's a photo I took at dawn on the Ellipse a few weeks ago. I'm so excited to be able to watch this sunrise every day from this spot, singing praise to Jesus every minute of it! And I can't wait for all of you to be right there with me, unified as brothers and sisters rejoicing in our great Father.

Abundant Blessings,

Let the worshippers come!

Let the worshippers come!

It's super busy here in the office as we contact worship teams, volunteers, host homes, prep for meetings with the park service, and so much more. Keep our team in prayer as we blaze away working hard to make David's Tent a reality!

Here's Aaron, Kim, and Becca plowing through emails and scheduling worship teams. Is your worship team signed up yet? Email them at and bring an even bigger smile to their faces!

Abundant blessings,


Aaron, Kim, and Becca scheduling bands