From the Founder

Jason Hershey - David's Tent DC founder

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Dear Friends,

After five years of itinerate ministry, criss-crossing America with a group of young people from Youth With A Mission (YWAM), God called Kimberlee and I to move to Washington, DC as full-time intercessors.  I just intuitively knew by the Holy Spirit, as Jesus made intercession for the whole world from Jerusalem, that the place to pray for national awakening was DC, our Capital.

When I arrived here in November of 2005, the Lord called me to not start a House of Prayer or ministry of my own, but simply to go to everyone else’s prayer meeting.  I’ve lived in DC ever since, praying for awakening for the local city of DC, and for all of America.  It wasn’t until this year of 2012, that God gave me the commission to pull the trigger of what was in my heart for years.  In January we birthed Washington House of Prayer, a ministry of YWAM Washington, DC.   David’s Tent has come to reality through this ministry.

I’ve attended numerous solemn assemblies and many national prayer gatherings.  At most of these gatherings, we prayed from a place of human need, as is fitting.  We, as a nation, are in deep crisis. We are for sure in a desperate place.  Last fall, however, I sensed a deep call from the Lord to “throw your net on the other side of the boat.”  Or in other words, “Speak to the rock this time; don’t strike it.”  I have felt a deep calling to release a different sound as I trumpet the nation to gather before the Lord in 2012.  Shouts of joy and victory resound from the tent of the righteous! (Psalm 118:15)

There is another position of prayer.  It’s the position of praying, not from human need, but from divine authority as children of the King. We are, after all, seated with Christ in Heavenly places.  This is what began my journey to eventually pursue getting a permit to host David’s Tent DC. To be clear, both positions are valid, but, David’s Tent DC is called to be a completely different sound than the desperate plea of what has typified national gatherings up to this point.  I’ve forced myself to swallow the lump in my throat, the desperation that I feel for my nation, and take on a spirit of celebration.  Somehow celebratory worship, thanksgiving, and adoration of Jesus is what I believe the Lord has asked of me this fall, as my intercession for America.  Does this resonate with you?

I do not intend to minimize the crisis, but it is also not the focus.  I am not seeking to awaken you to the reality of America’s desperation, nor ignore it.   I am seeking to awaken you to the reality of Jesus and His glorious Kingdom!  As King Jehoshaphat went up against an army much larger than his, in much crisis, he instructs the worshippers to go out in front singing  “Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is Good.  His love endures forever”  (2 Chronicles 20). As they sang, the Lord sent ambushes and Jehoshaphat came out a winner that day!  David’s Tent DC is fueled by the same prayer Jehoshaphat prayed: “We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you!”  (2 Chronicles 20:12). In the face of great destruction, Jehoshaphat sent out singers – what kind of strategy is that?!

A victorious one!


The pioneering of David’s Tent DC, came from a deep desire for America to look to Jesus – in hope, victory, and thanksgiving.  Simple obedience changes history.  God has called me to create this meeting place for America.

I could sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, but this go ’round, I’ll settle for just over 40 days.   My heart’s prayer is that one day, America will have a “congress of worship and prayer” assembled in Washington, DC, whose light will never go out, day or night, 24/7/365.  Mark my words, the day that happens, everything changes for America, because that day we will have shown the Lord that, as a nation, we have made him our top priority.  He should be given our most valuable space!

If I could say it more sincerely, I would:  Thank you for your participation, support, and prayers! May America Bless God.  May God Bless America.  And may all that gather on the Ellipse this fall get caught in the cross-fire of that blessing!  My sincerest request is that each of you would make a pilgrimage to DC this fall and add your worship to the mighty chorus!  Whether on the stage or in the field, it’s before the Lord!  Yes, this is an unashamed plea from an intercessor in DC: “Please come, we need your help!”


For His Glory Always,

Jason Hershey

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