Today is a Friday.

Friday’s are awesome. 

Every Friday afternoon from July-September we have music lessons! Someone that was heavily involved in nightwatch at David’s Tent last fall offered our staff and students music lessons this summer and it’s been amazing! We have people who have never played an instrument before learning to worship Jesus with instruments as well as people who are improving their already amazing skills at music.  And on top of that, we’re all getting theory and vocal lessons too! Ah, I’m so blessed. I’ve been asking the Lord for music lessons for the past couple months and he’s provided! 

Piano for nightwatch!  The music lessons have really taken our David’s Tent community into a place of deeper worship. It’s given so many people tools to worship Jesus on their own. I personally am learning the keyboard and I’ve seen my times of prayer and worship get so much more rich and intimate as I’m exploring new realms of music with Holy Spirit. Hopefully by the time the tent rolls around this fall I’ll be able to carry a two hour set by myself on the keyboard. I really want to play the piano in the middle of the night at the Ellipse this year! So, that’s the goal, and with that being said–it’s time to go practice.


Ps. Are you interested in nightwatch too? Email to sign up for a two hour acoustic time slot!