Staff David's Tent DC

volunteer at David's Tent DC

Prospective Staff:

Here are a few characteristics that we look for in prospective staff members. You don’t have to be a worship leader to serve with us, but if a couple of things from this list describes you, David’s Tent is probably a great fit.

1. Those that feel called to a “shepherding season.” i.e. having extended time with God, like David as a boy out in the fields. In the monotony of watching sheep, David had time to meditate on God, rest in His nearness, and grow in love with the Lord.
2. Those that want to be challenged in the disciplines of prayer, worship, community life, and bible study.
3. Those that can play a little piano/guitar and are wanting to grow in worship leading. You will gain an anointing through daily regimens of pursuing God through musical worship.
4. Those that want to grow in evangelism, talking to strangers, and praying with people.
5. Those that have never read the bible from cover to cover and want time to do that in an atmosphere of worship.
6. Those that have a servants heart and love to clean, landscape, build, cook, do hospitality, and sweat a little.
7. Those that have a passion for prayer and a burden to intercede for America.
8. Those that hunger to do night watch for the Lord in the craziest of love devotions.

Five ways to get involved:
The Missionary: These are long-term, full time staff who have committed to being intercessory worship missionaries here in Washington DC. Missionaries must have done a Youth With A Mission DTS (Discipleship Training School) either here or another YWAM base. Though David’s Tent is a stand-alone organization with hundreds of churches and ministries participating, our core staff that keep the tent going 24/7 are all part of the YWAM DC community. We are neither ashamed nor proud to be YWAM; that is simply who we are. We expect those joining us long-term to go through the same training that we did, humbling themselves by coming in the door as a student. Carrying the badge “staff” brings an expectation that you will live up to and set the culture of revival we have agreed upon. We are all missionaries here, and we need every long term staff to think, believe, love, serve, sacrifice and act like missionaries together on a team. This is a real full-time job, with the time commitments and responsibilities of holding any normal occupation. Missionaries are expected to raise their own support to be here, just as in any other missions field. Email for an application.The Disciple: YWAM DC runs regular Discipleship Training Schools (DTS). The YWAM DC David’s Tent DTS is required to join long-term staff (though short-term volunteers are welcome without a DTS). DTS is an incredible season of teaching, stretching, spiritual growth, intentional discipleship, intercession, intimacy with God, evangelism, and foreign missions. More information on the next school can be found at

The Foxhole Soldier: These short-term volunteers are “jumping into the foxhole,” living with us and staffing the tent full-time for at least two weeks. They’re fully invested and in it to win it! No DTS is required, however short-term volunteers desiring to stay longer than 6 months must commit to do the the next David’s Tent DTS. Email for an application.

The Doorkeeper: If you live locally in the DC area and have other commitments that prevent you from joining our full-time staff but still would like to staff the tent once or twice a week, we’d still love for you to be a part! Doorkeepers do not live in our housing, but join us at the tent to the extent they are willing to commit. Email for more information.

The Psalmist: Are you a Worship Team or Worship Leader? We still need Psalmists who will stand before God in praise night and day! Those who can commit to doing a regular monthly/biweekly/weekly set at the tent are an even bigger blessing. Psalmists can email

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