by Ryan Montgomery | Sep 18, 2012 | Uncategorized
Dear Friends,
David's Tent kicks off in only one week! We are so excited for what God is going to do this fall, and for this opportunity to praise Him in our nation's capital for 40 days! This final week of preparation will be incredibly busy for our staff here, so please continue to keep us in prayer. As we approach September 25th, we have a better idea of what the schedule looks like. I've included a timeline of the event at the end of this post. We are also still booking worship teams, so if you know a team that hasn't signed up yet and wants to, have them email as soon as possible. Slots are filling fast! We also are still believing God for complete financial provision for David's Tent. If you'd like to donate, you can do that through the website. Please continue to spread the word through social media and by forwarding our emails, and we'll see you in a week!
Abundant blessings,
Ryan Montgomery
Washington House of Prayer
Timeline of David’s Tent:
September 25 from 7-9pm – Opening Ceremony at David's Tent; Yom Kippur begins
This will be a time of commissioning David's Tent and dedicating Washington DC to the Lordship of Jesus. We will take communion together in honor of Jesus' Blood, the Atonement for all sin.
September 25 from 9pm through September 26 at 7pm – Yom Kippur observed
Silent Reflection on the efficacy of the atonement blood of Jesus for all sins of America
September 26 at 7pm
Strike up the band to begin the 40-day-and-night continuous love song to Jesus!
Daily, September 27-November 5
7am – 9pm Stage-led worship teams changing every 2 hours.
9pm-7am Unplugged night watch, with stage-led worship teams changing every 2 hours
7pm-9pm Each night we will have a main corporate worship set at this time. We encourage attendees to gather together en masse every night for this more-corporate time from 7-9pm, but please come all other hours as well!
November 5 from 7pm-9pm
Final worship set of David’s Tent DC
November 5 from 9pm- 9am
Unplugged Night Watch
The After-party: Exodus 33:11 says that even after the main meeting with God was over and Moses left the Lord’s presence to return to camp, Joshua stayed in the presence of God…
by Ryan Montgomery | Sep 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
News from David's Tent!
After receiving the permit for the White House Ellipse, starting on September 25th, we realized that Sundown the 25th until Sundown the 26th is actually Yom Kippur – also known as the "Day of Atonement*" – on the Jewish calendar! Yom Kippur is the one day each year the High Priest would enter behind the veil into the Holy of Holies to make “atonement" or intercession on behalf of Israel. Yom Kippur is a day of fasting and humbling before the Lord. Israel would wait each year in nervous, restless expectation: "Will the High Priest come out? What will be the report? Is this year’s sacrifice atonement enough for our sins?" Praise God, we don't need to be nervous or restless anymore! We can enter a Sabbath rest! The Blood of Jesus is Atonement enough! He is our great High Priest! Not just for my sins, but for the entire assembled sins of our whole nation!
Discovering that the first day of David's Tent DC is actually Yom Kippur stirred us to set aside that day to be different from the rest. From 7pm September 25th to 7pm September 26th, we will not have live music or any stage production at all! Instead, we are inviting you to come to a quiet tent and simply reflect, meditate and rest in the absolute truth that Jesus has paid our debt in full! Day one of David's Tent will be a day that we will let the Father sing His song of love over us! After all, is not our call to worship is born not out of the truth that we love, but that He loved us first? On this Day we want to encourage you to fast, to ask God to search your heart afresh and anew. Come to repent, but also to joyfully receive the great atonement of Jesus and His forgiveness – both for yourself and on behalf of America. Again, to clarify: this time will not be led from the stage, but we merely offer a set-apart space for you to meet with the Lord as individuals and families.
After this time of purposeful reflection on the atoning work of Jesus at the cross, we will begin with the joyful sound of unified adoration and thanksgiving a 40-day love song to Jesus – to worship and adore Him day and night just because He is worthy!
*Definition of Atonement: A payment made to satisfy the demands of justice; e.g. Jesus made atonement for our sins.
Timeline of David’s Tent:
September 25 from 7-9pm – Opening Ceremony at David's Tent; Yom Kippur begins
This will be a time of commissioning David's Tent and dedicating Washington DC to the Lordship of Jesus. We will take communion together in honor of Jesus' Blood, the Atonement for all sin.
September 25 from 9pm through September 26 at 7pm – Yom Kippur observed
Silent Reflection on the efficacy of the atonement blood of Jesus for all sins of America
September 26 at 7pm
Strike up the band to begin the 40-day-and-night continuous love song to Jesus!
Daily, September 27-November 5
7am – 9pm Stage-led worship teams changing every 2 hours.
9pm-7am Unplugged night watch, with stage-led worship teams changing every 2 hours
7pm-9pm Each night we will have a main corporate worship set at this time. We encourage attendees to gather together en masse every night for this more-corporate time from 7-9pm, but please come all other hours as well!
November 5 from 7pm-9pm
Final worship set of David’s Tent DC
November 5 from 9pm- 9am
Unplugged Night Watch
The After-party: Exodus 33:11 says that even after the main meeting with God was over and Moses left the Lord’s presence to return to camp, Joshua stayed in the presence of God…
To God be ALL the glory!
Jason Hershey
by Ryan Montgomery | Sep 12, 2012 | Uncategorized
I took this photo from our 24/7 prayer watch on the ellipse Sunday night. There's already a rich presence of the Lord there as we've simply been abiding with him on that ground for over two weeks, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Won't you come join us this fall as we continue to sing His praises from this place?
Abundant Blessings,

by Ryan Montgomery | Sep 10, 2012 | Uncategorized
Our regional pre-rally for David's Tent is tomorrow night!!! We're so excited for what God is doing, and we want all of you to come join us as we worship, pray, and prepare the ground in the spirit for what begins September 25th. Jason Hershey will also be sharing a short word on the vision for David's Tent and some of the prophetic history leading up to this point. It's going to be an amazing evening uniting together from across the region that you don't want to miss!
When: Tuesday September 11, 7PM
Where: Faith Tabernacle United Holy Church of America
300 A St. NE, Washington DC, 20002
Parking: On the street, or across the street in the supreme court lot
past 6pm
See you there!
Abundant Blessings,
Ryan Montgomery
by Ryan Montgomery | Sep 6, 2012 | Uncategorized
Spent a lot of last night's prayer watch on the Ellipse singing hymns–really struck by these lyrics:
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
The simple gospel carries more power than all the strength and wisdom of this world put together! Jesus' blood never fails!
by Ryan Montgomery | Sep 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
It was a glorious, but still tiring night on the ellipse. Check out this update!
by Ryan Montgomery | Aug 31, 2012 | Uncategorized
Being able to praise God in public freely from the center of our nation's capital is an incredible blessing. If you are a worship leader or know a worship leader that has not had this opportunity yet, I strongly encourage you to sign up for David's Tent! There are still some slots remaining. You don't want to let this pass you by! Email for more information.
I took this photo a couple weeks ago at the Sylvan Theater, directly across the Washington Monument from the Ellipse. The presence of God was so rich on this beautiful summer evening as we lifted high the name of Jesus. It was just a fortaste of what is to come this fall–I can't wait for September 25th! See you there!

by Ryan Montgomery | Aug 30, 2012 | Uncategorized
As we continue our 30 day 24/7 prayer watch on the ellipse leading up to David's Tent, dawn remains one of my favorite times of the day. There's just something so special about watching the sun come up as our gaze remains fixed on the Son. Seeing light overcome darkness brings great joy to my spirit, even as God continues to show his new mercies every single morning!
I've posted this video before, but if you haven't seen it yet make sure you check it out!
Here's another photo I took of dawn on Constitution Avenue, bordering the ellipse. This photo really screams Psalm 57 to me as we awaken the dawn with prayer and worship every morning! It's all about You Jesus!

Psalm 57:7-11
7My heart is steadfast, O God,
my heart is steadfast!
I will sing and make melody!
8 Awake, my glory!
Awake, O harp and lyre!
I will awake the dawn!
9 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples;
I will sing praises to you among the nations.
10 For your steadfast love is great to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the clouds.
11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens!
Let your glory be over all the earth!
Be abundantly blessed, see you at the tent!
by Ryan Montgomery | Aug 29, 2012 | Uncategorized
This photo looks across the ellipse at the site of David's Tent towards the Washington Monument. So excited to be here every morning and see this view! Our team is actually holding a 24/7 prayer watch leading up to the tent right here on the ellipse, right now! Keep our team in prayer, and keep spreading the word!
Abundant Blessings,

by Ryan Montgomery | Aug 28, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Ryan Montgomery | Aug 26, 2012 | Uncategorized
30 days until David's Tent! There's such excitement and anticipation in the air. Today we begin a 24/7 intercession watch to prepare the ground for David's Tent. Join with us as we pray and count down the days until America joins in a joyful song of praise here on the White House Ellipse!
Here's a photo I took at dawn on the Ellipse a few weeks ago. I'm so excited to be able to watch this sunrise every day from this spot, singing praise to Jesus every minute of it! And I can't wait for all of you to be right there with me, unified as brothers and sisters rejoicing in our great Father.
Abundant Blessings,