Don’t forget! We have a special night at Davids Tent this coming weekend… Sunday, Oct 27, 6-8:30 pm Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes An Evening of Worship & Praise A worshipful procession leading up to Together2020 next June. 
Also, November 9-15 is a critical week that I’d like to ask for extra worship leaders and servant volunteers. Please help us build from “family.” As many of you know David’s Tent is primarily supported by a full-time staff of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) DC. Each year In November, all the YWAM bases on the East Coast come together for a family gathering of sorts, to be mutually encouraged by the joy of being together. The YWAM DC team has not been able to attend this once-a-year annual family gathering for the past 7 years due to the nature of pioneering the tent. We are beginning to feel the disconnect and we don’t like it. This year, I’d like to be able to send as many of our team as possible pending the tent being carried by others. I personally will be staying close to home in DC due to the pending delivery of our next child but would love to send the rest. Can you help me do this? Staying connected to our YWAM family is super important to us. For all the volunteer details email: It’s also the week that we will be deconstructing and reconstructing the tent to get it reset for winter. All hands on deck! Our next DTS training school is January 9-May 31 2020. Get all the Info HERE. |