Jason Hershey, Founder DavidsTentDC
Save the date… 9/11/16 – Be with us at David’s Tent DC on that day!
A number of national prayer ministries are coming together to have a special time of prayer with us at the tent on Sept. 11th. We believe a new 9 11 is rising… a new 9 11 that is full of restoration, not destruction. Is it time for Amos 9:11 in our nation?
“In that day “I will restore David’s fallen shelter—
I will repair its broken walls
and restore its ruins—
and will rebuild it as it used to be,
Amos 9:11 NIV
Hope, Faith, and Peace in Jesus will overcome fear in America. The Lord will repair our nation’s broken walls and restore it’s ruins. Join in on site or via webcast for a special day at David’s Tent on Sept 11th this year. It’s an honor for David’s Tent DC to host this special prayer gathering on our anniversary no less. What a privilege to give God the Glory for the first year in our nation’s history that 24/7 worship and prayer has taken place continuously in our capital city of Washington DC. Hundreds of worship teams, prayer ministries and churches and thousands of individuals have kept the fire on the altar day and night for a full year as of 9/11/16.
“IfMyPeople2016” is the name of this very special event happening at David’sTent on 9 11. It’s based on a verse most know well from 2 Chron. 7:14. But the focus is on the “IF”. Let’s press in for fresh faith in the reality of His Word, still true in 2016… “He will heal our land.” Save the date… 9/11/16 to be with us at David’s Tent DC for an amazing one year anniversary celebration of 24/7 on the National Mall and a truly remarkable gathering of prayer ministries to help fuel our 24/7 fires.
Immediately following the IfMyPeople Event, David’sTent will have 90 minutes of full on celebratory worship that is the hallmark of DavidsTent, to usher in our second year. Watch and share the promo video below. Get more info at IfMyPeople2016.com