Rally Caps – The Helmet of Salvation
by Jason Hershey


Have you ever been to baseball game, when your team is down a couple runs going into the ninth inning?  That’s when you need to rally!  It’s time to cheer on your team like never before, turn your hats inside out and backwards!  Rally your team to victory. 


It’s easy to look at a culture that seems to be going further from Jesus and feel a little like we, as Christians, are down a couple runs.  But  wait a minute….there is a Remnant!


I don’t know if I can fully explain it, but in the midst of desperation I sense for our nation, a rally has begun within my soul.  A rally of gratitude for what Christ has done!  A rally of faith that Jesus will pull us through.  A rally of assurance that Jesus is Alive and will lead His people through to Victory!


So… WE ARE RALLYING!!! Come On!  Gather with us in Washington DC!  Lets get our praise on!  Come and rally around the Savior, Jesus!  Jesus always wins, even in the 10th inning! 


For the Lamb!


Jason Hershey