Impact the culture of your generation by joining this worship led community in our nation’s capital city!
God is raising up a generation of worshipers who are in love with Jesus and who desire to see His name lifted high! Come and join us in our nation’s capitol as we bring an unceasing song of adoration to the one we love simply because He is worthy. Oh that our love for the man Christ Jesus would bind us together in strength and unity, that as we fix our gaze on Heaven, we could declare to this culture the worthiness of Christ.
Rev. 5:11-13
Then I heard the voices of many angels, the four living creatures, and the leaders surrounding the throne. They numbered ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands times thousands. In a loud voice they were singing,
“The lamb who was slain deserves to receive power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and praise.”
I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth, and on the sea. Every creature in those places was singing,
“To the one who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise, honor, glory, and power forever and ever.”
As a young man I set my sights on being a cross-cultural missionary to a people group somewhere in Asia. I went to Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for training for this purpose, but God had other plans. He called me out of Ezekiel 3:5 to my own house and my own people, the United States of America.
Poetically, ironically and perhaps divinely, my public ministry days started on September 11, 2001. Our itinerate YWAM ministry team was packing a van and trailer full of luggage and equipment that fateful morning when we received word that the first of the World Trade Center towers in New York City had been struck.
The name of that mobile ministry team was “The Jesus Revolution.” We had anchored our message in the concept that nation-changing revolutions happen because a critical mass of people believe in the promise of a better tomorrow and act upon that faith. We were simply declaring that the only revolution that brings true hope and true change is found in
Jesus Christ, when we embrace Him as our Lord and Savior in every area of our lives and reach out to love the world into doing the same. President Obama campaigned on these very same words, “hope and change,” seven years later, and I remember thinking to myself, “Those were the words we used with the Jesus Revolution team.” In true YWAM fashion, we were now preaching the simplest of messages, not pulling any punches — to know God and make Him known.
It’s time to build the wall. I’m talking about intercession. True protection.
“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land….” Ezekiel 22:30
There are many things you could do this summer. I want you to call you to the wall in DC. Would you come to our nation’s Capitol and stand before God on behalf of our nation as an intercessor? It’s a rare group of selfless ones that will respond to this call. No candies. No flashy promises of great times. Just God.
We simply must pray from our guts for our country right now. The youth of America must understand what is meant by the phrase, “Save yourselves from this perverse generation!” Acts 2:40 They must understand! They must understand! If we pray, they will.
God can do more in a moment than we can do in a lifetime. That’s settled. We all understand that. Let’s pray in faith for that moment when God shows up!
Please watch this recent night watch video:
David’s Tent has been stirred to gather a delegate from each state for 2, 50 day, 50 state, “Intercessory Prayer Congresses” to pray in unity this summer into fall. We believe it’s time for this strategic army of prayer warriors to come together in DC and pray to win a generation to Jesus! Will you be one of them?
The first Prayer Congress will be: July 1 – August 20 The second Prayer Congress is: August 20 – October 10. (The second will end with Awaken The Dawn.
The cost for room and board with us in our community houses is $700 for one congress or $1300 if you want to stay for both, all 100 days. This will all culminate with the 50 tent (state by state) gathering on the National Mall, called Awaken the Dawn.
If you have any questions about the Prayer Congress or would like more information, please email Anna at Please pray and ask the Lord if you should apply to be a delegate from your state! (If you can’t come, please make sure someone from your state can.)
Keep in mind this will probably be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. “Laying down your life” is the calling card for a true intercessor. That means a cross. Your friends will be posting amazing pictures of being at the beach, family outings, on amazing trips, getting that new car with their summer job money etc… Meanwhile you will be living in dormitory housing in community, in a hectic city, and simply going to a tent each day to cry out to God in prayer and worship. You will need to know that God is your reward. It’s this type of people though, that God will answer!
“Gather together to Me my consecrated ones, Those who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.” Psalms 50:5
Thank you for praying Col. 1:11 for our staff. There is refreshment and fresh fiery zeal coming upon us!
For His Glory, Always, Jason Hershey, Founder, DavidsTentDC
We have started a weekly Sunday Night gathering called “The Celebration at David’s Tent” from 5-7pm. This is meant to be a point of corporate connection in the midst of the 24/7 cycle of the tent. As worship is ongoing, Jason usually shares a short word and we have some prayer in small groups for one another and/or America. It’s the perfect outdoor event for families on a Sunday night. See our facebook page for up to the minute info.
David’s Tent is caught between two competing, but both valuable, visions for the National Mall, and Capital City. King David’s vision for His Capital City: A place for all Israel to gather, worship and give thanks to the Lord! (Psalms 122)
Thank you all that have been praying for David’s Tent DC’s new location. We consider every prayer part of our worship and declaration that Jesus is Worthy of the highest, centermost places of our lives and culture. Through this all, we’re still singing at the Tent!
Thank you for so many that have put their efforts together to contact members in Congress too. Your efforts opened up a great dialogue with the National Park Service (NPS) yesterday. They didn’t give us an option, but there was a discussion about the possibility of an option.
The possibility of the option floated, would have us stay where we are at Constitutions Gardens Plaza, but be coexisting with the construction trailers and equipment for the restoration project of the lock-keepers house on the corner. They warned us that we have to measure it out to see if we’d all fit there and there would be much noise throughout the day, but it’s a possibility of an option for us. (This would only be to buy us time, not a long term solution. Eventually a restaurant will be build on our spot.) This will be further explored as we walk the site all together next Wednesday afternoon, making measurements to see if we’d even all fit there. It’s a tight squeeze for sure.
In my guts, I’m skeptical this is “it.” But we will be considering it in the meantime. Let’s contend for His best in faith, prayer and action! Yesterday’s meeting was bountifully productive though. We were honored to have a great candid dialogue with those that we are working with at the NPS permits office.
The NPS permits office wasn’t notified until recently that this reconstruction project of Constitution Gardens is starting. It was planned for a long time, but on hold. Suddenly the funding came in and triggered the quick beginning, The notified us as soon as it was handed to them. The permits office hasn’t been given a solid start date yet, just a commission to not permit anybody there after our current permit runs out March 10.
The NPS permits office is bound to the constraints put on them from higher up. They explained their conundrum with us. Several years ago, congress gave them the mandate to make the mall area beautiful and fulfill the vision of George Washington to have the Capitol in the midst of rolling green hill spaces. The NPS just in the last couple years put 8 million dollars into the reconstruction of the sod on the main stretch of the mall. Next is Washington Monument Grounds, as piece by piece, they are redoing the turf. Which is why the new turf regulations were enacted last year, and our tent can’t be on grass any more than 5 days at a time now.
So why not just make more hardscape places? With each new monument, museum or restaurant, that vision of a Capitol surrounded by rolling green spaces is being chipped away. The NPS was mandated by congress to defend that vision and get the mall area looking beautiful.
On the other hand, the NPS is also to be permitting 1st amendment demonstrations on those same areas. These two visions, beautify the National Mall and make room for 1st Amendment demonstration, conflict greatly, at great cost and stress for all involved.
This is why your calls and letters to congress were and are so important. Keep them rolling! I want to be clear: I do not think the NPS is being malicious toward us. I would say the opposite. I really trust they are trying to find a solution, but their hands are tied. We need Congress or the Executive Branch to act. What is OUR GENERATIONS vision for our Capital City? Will 24/7 worship and Praise, and Jesus Himself, be part of our vision for the Capital going forward?
We’ve come full circle back to the vision of David’s Tent DC! King David made the Lord the central vision in his administration. With a 24/7 worship tent employing 4288 musicians and singers adjacent to his palace, David wanted to be sure God knew, that he had enthroned God over his administration. Will the David hearts arise!?
So far, from the response that I’m getting. I’m encouraged! There is a remnant in congress, and around America, that loves Jesus with all their hearts and not only do they know that He’s the Lord, but have also made Him their Lord.
SCROLL DOWN FOR Updates #1 Feb 25th & #2 March 1st
Feb. 20, 2017
The plug may be pulled on the longest running outdoor Christian worship event in our nation’s history due to a bureaucratic snafu!
DavidsTentDC (DTDC) is a Jesus centered worship and prayer vigil that has been running 24/7 continuously on the National Mall over 500 days since the kickoff September 11, 2015. Currently it is located at Constitution Gardens Plaza, 1700 Constitution Ave NW Washington DC. With a theme of “Jesus is Worthy” over 500 worship teams from around the nation have participated in this worship and prayer vigil, signing up in two hour segments.
DTDC was notified Feb 9, 2017 by the National Park Service (NPS) that their next permit application will not be granted for Constitution Gardens Plaza due to a reconstruction project. When DTDC sought the NPS permits office for help in relocating to a different place, it was confirmed Feb 15th, that due to newly (March 2016) instituted turf protection regulations, there was no place for DTDC, effectively putting DTDC on the brink of being shuttered, March 10 2017, when their current permit ends. DTDC does not think this is religiously malicious in any way, but simply the result of over regulation.
The conviction of DTDC is that now is the time to stoke the fires of worship and prayer, not put them out. DTDC is based off of the Biblical King David that put a worship tent right beside his palace and hired 4288 musicians and singers to minister to God 24/7 for 33 years, until Solomon built the temple. It’s notable that those were the golden years of Israel’s History.
DTDC is currently seeking help to contact your Senators and Representatives in Congress to help keep this vigil alive. Possible actions could be:
Congressional inquiries to the NPS, or higher in the Dept of Interior, to see if they’d give us a turf exemption, and take the responsibility to relocate us. Congress has jurisdiction over the Capitol Grounds. Union Square, just east of the Capitol would be a great location for DTDC to move, but would take congressional action to over-ride some of regulations of the Capitol police. Upper Senate Park could also work.
Find and Contact your representatives Here:
U.S. Senators – Get contact information for your Senators.
The other option would be for someone in the executive branch to act, to over-ride the actions of the NPS that led DTDC to a dead end. The NPS is part of the Department of Interior. Rep. Ryan Zinke, the sole representative from Montana in the House, is the President’s nominee to be Secretary of Interior, part of the executive cabinet.
“Beyond all things”, David’s Tent founder Jason Hershey requests, “Let’s pray. God will open a door! And let’s not let anything hinder our joy in the Lord and our praise of his Name forever!”
Here are the longer details of DTDC’s permitting journey:
DTDC is legally permitted as a 1st Amendment activity (Prayer vigil) on the National Mall.
DTDC’s first permit was granted for 40 days on the Whitehouse Ellipse, the fall of 2012. Over 150 worship teams came that fall. DTDC’s second permit was the following fall of 2013 for 42 days. The third permit was the fall of 2014, for 50 days. It was then that DTDC asked two key questions of the NPS.
What is the maximum time limit for a permitted activity on the Mall, on one permit? The answer was 120 days, four months. Is there any regulation against putting permit applications in one after the next? The answer is that there is nothing hindering from doing that.
At that point DTDC began putting in permit applications a year in advance every 120 days, this time for the NW quadrant of the Washington Monument grounds, preparing, a year in advance, for 14 months of constant vigil from Sept 11, 2015 – November 8, 2016 (Election Day). Permits are given for particular plots of ground for events on the mall on a first come, first serve basis, but the rule is that one can’t put in an application earlier than one year out from the first day of the proposed permit date.
Everything was set for DTDC’s kickoff. In one of the logistics meetings with the NPS previous to kickoff, it was acknowledged by all the intent of DTDC. The representative from the Park Police inquired for understanding, “So with multiple permits in a row, we are talking about a permanent structure on the mall for over a year?” “Yes,” Jason Hershey clearly replied. Everyone shook their heads and acknowledged that was understood.
It was also understood from the beginning that DTDC would be paying up to $10,000 to the NPS for the restoration of the grass under the footprint of the tent that would be killed while we there for such an extended time. DTDC agreed to that, with total understanding.
DTDC kicked off Sept 11 2015, on the Washington Monument grounds fully with the understanding that their permit applications were valid and had no reason to be denied in the future. One permit expired and the next one was given as planned. All was well, except for a short hick up due to security for the Papal Parade.
Suddenly, late March of 2016, 6 months in, DTDC was summoned to a meeting with the NPS and told that their next permit starting April 12, would not be granted for the Washington Monument grounds, because the were on grass. The NPS had just changed the regulations that no event can be on the turf more than 5 days total due to protecting the grass. They offered us Constitution Gardens Plaza as the only “hardscape” solution for us.
Interestingly, they disclosed in the same meeting that they had just received three congressional phone calls complaining about DTDC. This also came just as DTDC started to put in permit applications for past November 8, 2016 proposing an unending perpetual vigil for years to come, with the explanation “Jesus is Worthy, not just on election years!”
Left with no other option, on April 12, 2016 DTDC moved to Constitution Garden’s Plaza, where it currently is. DTDC did have to move to John Marshal Park, for May 10 – July 10 2016 due to previously planned events by the NPS on the plaza. DTDC was billed for over $4000 by the NPS for grass restoration at the Washington Monument grounds. As understood, DTDC paid the bill, but the grass was never restored.
In April 2016, DTDC inquired if they could be “grandfathered” and given more time at Washington Monument grounds, as they were given just a couple weeks notice. The NPS response was a clear “no” citing the need for securing the grounds immediately to begin restoring the grass. As of Feb 21, 2017 nothing has ever been done to footprint of DTDC by the Washington Monument grounds. DTDC paid for it. NPS was very clear that restoration had to begin immediately, but no action was ever taken.
Things have worked well for DTDC at Constitution Gardens, though the location was not as central on the mall as at the Washington Monument grounds. When DTDC was informed Feb 9, 2017, that they would not be granted their next four month permit due to a reconstruction project, DTDC knew immediately that they had few options.
There are a couple other hardscape, gravel, non-grass, walkways on the main stretch of the mall by the Smithsonian Museum that would be suitable for DTDC, but since DTDC’s applications, put in a year in advance, were for Constitution Gardens Plaza (amended from Washington Monument grounds), at a different location, DTDC would now be at the back of the line. With only 4 weeks to find another location, those other hardscape places have all been reserved by other groups making it impossible for DTDC to relocate there for the next 8 months at least.
Feb 10 2017 it was acknowledged by the NPS that DTDC didn’t have any options. However, the NPS asked for more time, for someone to get back from an extended weekend off. It was then confirmed Feb 15th 2017, that their were no options for DTDC on the mall, but affirming us to go ahead and seek congressional approval for Union Square, on the Capitol Grounds, or any other option.
In summary, DTDC does not think that the NPS has been malicious. But circumstances, regulations and timing has put DTDC on the brink of being shuttered, March 10, when their current permit runs out. DTDC is seeking any help in finding a place to relocate.
Why not just get a church? DTDC is based off of the Biblical King David that put a tent up by his palace, hired 4288 musicians and singers to minister to God’s heart 24/7 for up to 33 years, until Solomon, his son, built the temple. It was a key part of the vigil that Jesus would be given a central, significant place, on federal soil, just like David made the Lord central in His governmental administration. The very location has been part of the non articulated prayer. In essence saying, “Jesus we want you to be central in hearts of America.”
For interviews or more information contact Jason Hershey via
Dreaming of the New Jerusalem
David’s Tent is caught between two competing, but both valuable, visions for the National Mall, and Capital City. King David’s vision for His Capital City: A place for all Israel to gather, worship and give thanks to the Lord! (Psalms 122)
Thank you all that have been praying for David’s Tent DC’s new location. We consider every prayer part of our worship and declaration that Jesus is Worthy of the highest, centermost places of our lives and culture. Through this all, we’re still singing at the Tent!
Thank you for so many that have put their efforts together to contact members in Congress too. Your efforts opened up a great dialogue with the National Park Service (NPS) yesterday. They didn’t give us an option, but there was a discussion about the possibility of an option.
The possibility of the option floated, would have us stay where we are at Constitutions Gardens Plaza, but be coexisting with the construction trailers and equipment for the restoration project of the lock-keepers house on the corner. They warned us that we have to measure it out to see if we’d all fit there and there would be much noise throughout the day, but it’s a possibility of an option for us. (This would only be to buy us time, not a long term solution. Eventually a restaurant will be build on our spot.) This will be further explored as we walk the site all together next Wednesday afternoon, making measurements to see if we’d even all fit there. It’s a tight squeeze for sure.
In my guts, I’m skeptical this is “it.” But we will be considering it in the meantime. Let’s contend for His best in faith, prayer and action! Yesterday’s meeting was bountifully productive though. We were honored to have a great candid dialogue with those that we are working with at the NPS permits office.
The NPS permits office wasn’t notified until recently that this reconstruction project of Constitution Gardens is starting. It was planned for a long time, but on hold. Suddenly the funding came in and triggered the quick beginning, The notified us as soon as it was handed to them. The permits office hasn’t been given a solid start date yet, just a commission to not permit anybody there after our current permit runs out March 10.
The NPS permits office is bound to the constraints put on them from higher up. They explained their conundrum with us. Several years ago, congress gave them the mandate to make the mall area beautiful and fulfill the vision of George Washington to have the Capitol in the midst of rolling green hill spaces. The NPS just in the last couple years put 8 million dollars into the reconstruction of the sod on the main stretch of the mall. Next is Washington Monument Grounds, as piece by piece, they are redoing the turf. Which is why the new turf regulations were enacted last year, and our tent can’t be on grass any more than 5 days at a time now.
So why not just make more hardscape places? With each new monument, museum or restaurant, that vision of a Capitol surrounded by rolling green spaces is being chipped away. The NPS was mandated by congress to defend that vision and get the mall area looking beautiful.
On the other hand, the NPS is also to be permitting 1st amendment demonstrations on those same areas. These two visions, beautify the National Mall and make room for 1st Amendment demonstration, conflict greatly, at great cost and stress for all involved.
This is why your calls and letters to congress were and are so important. Keep them rolling! I want to be clear: I do not think the NPS is being malicious toward us. I would say the opposite. I really trust they are trying to find a solution, but their hands are tied. We need Congress or the Executive Branch to act. What is OUR GENERATIONS vision for our Capital City? Will 24/7 worship and Praise, and Jesus Himself, be part of our vision for the Capital going forward?
We’ve come full circle back to the vision of David’s Tent DC! King David made the Lord the central vision in his administration. With a 24/7 worship tent employing 4288 musicians and singers adjacent to his palace, David wanted to be sure God knew, that he had enthroned God over his administration. Will the David hearts arise!?
So far, from the response that I’m getting. I’m encouraged! There is a remnant in congress, and around America, that loves Jesus with all their hearts and not only do they know that He’s the Lord, but have also made Him their Lord.
And that Remnant… is only getting bigger.
Stay tuned… We will update you as we know more.
Dreaming of the New Jerusalem!
Daniels wisdom is that he asked for more time! (Daniel 2:14-16) Today we learned from the NPS that we have 12 more days! We don’t need to move now, until March 22, when the load in for the reconstruction of our park actually begins!
They are working on two options for us past March 22, that they will formally present to us next Monday:
Be part of the construction site at Constitution Gardens Plaza, where we are now. The issue with this is safety and crowd size. With construction vehicles wheeling around the tent, it would no longer be a place I’d want to take my children for sure. We would not be able to accommodate more than 60-80 people. There would be no overflow room from our 40 ft. square tent.
Moving back to John Marshall Park. If you recall, that was where they made us go without amplification for 6 weeks last summer, due to complaints from the neighboring Court of Appeals. I was clear that we’d want our sound system back if we were going to move back there. The attorney for NPS is looking into that issue.
Though we appreciate the efforts of the NPS to offer us what they can, both of these options don’t sit well for me. In both areas, we would have neighboring interests that would not appreciate our presence. We may have the right to be there, but it would be an uncomfortable existence for us.
Currently we have one additional option:
A living room on Capitol Hill. We have been offered a living room in a private residence across the street from the back side of the Supreme court, just two blocks from the Capital dome. The tone, tenor and posture of this vigil would change dramatically to move it inside, from public land to a private residence, and into a room that can hold a limited amount of people. However it would be a bit of a respite for our long term, full-time staff, to be out of the public eye.
This may be quite uncomfortable too though. The whole idea of a “church worship team” would have to give way to more of a living room perpetual worship time.
All that to say: Let’s keep praying! So far a clear, “This is the way forward!” has not appeared. Please pray for me and our leaders that we would know what to do. We gained 12 more days! Extra time saved Daniels neck!
Pray that all of this wouldn’t distract us from Jesus, the purpose of it all, and the real intercessory prayers that need to be prayed every day.