Anna Needs Some Help Today
Imagine being an air-traffic controller, without enough runways, landing planes all day, every day…They… keep… coming… heeeEEELP!!
I’ll get back to this, but first…
Let me introduce to you Anna Keener!
She is at the tip of the spear for David’s Tent.
Anna grew up in Albania (her parents were missionaries) then lived in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. After completing her Discipleship Training School (DTS) and staffing in YWAM Charlotte, she came to DC in 2015.
No one is counting, but it’s highly probable that she has lead worship at the tent more hours than any other. She has been faithful!

She also wears a lot of hats…

Currently, Anna is on night watch…
(midnight-6am) and either leading worship or present onsite every night. Besides this, she is the Tent Scheduler! That’s like the pitcher in baseball or quarterback in football or an air-traffic controller….
Each week, she weaves the David’s Tent schedule together to be sure someone is ministering to Jesus and (at least) 3 staff members are present, every hour, every day. She builds the schedule around the State Week teams and finds a way to fill in the rest… somehow…
Right now, Anna’s job is super high-pressure because the hours keep coming and there’s not always enough volunteers to take their stand.
She sure could use some heroes….
First, let me say, you’d never know about this pressure if you stopped in at the tent!
It’s all amazing there! God’s presence and peace is so easily known.

Did You Know…?
We have a Facebook group called “David’s Tent Local Heroes” where Anna posts the most needed gaps each week. A SPECIAL THANK YOU if you’re one of our heroes!
But truth be told, much of the schedule has fallen on our full-time YWAM staff who are currently onsite 8hrs a day (besides responsibilities back at our mission’s base). We are fighting for each sacrificial hour and Anna is in the dead center of that mayhem.
Thankfully, we have a relational base of local volunteer staff and worship leaders from the DC region. However, our small team simply cannot do what the Lord has called a nation to do with excellence.
If we only had more heroes…
So… Can you be a Hero? Can you help take pressure off Anna and our whole community?
Here are 3 Ways You Can Help:
1. The 50 State delegation teams have been small during the winter. Please help us rally your state for your week. If your delegated week doesn’t work with your schedule, then come another week.
2. Our full-time DC residential staff team that was once over 40 people is now down to less than 20. Please consider moving to DC and jumping in with us for a season as a full-time volunteer.
– OR –
3. We’d like to expand our relational pool of DC, Maryland, Virginia worship leaders and local volunteers. Part-time is helpful! Let us know if you can be counted with “David’s Tent Local Heroes.”
For information, housing options, staff, worship leader and volunteer applications, please email Anna at volunteer@davidstentdc.org
We need your help to revive the vision of David’s Tent DC. Over the past 4 years, the newness and romance of the vision may have worn off a little. Many of the first wave of volunteers have moved on…
But Jesus is still worthy! We still love Him! We need America to rally to David’s Tent and have a revival of the vision!
We want to keep going! FOUR! MORE! YEARS! And then some more…