Breakthrough 45

     We invite you to join us for 45 days of prayer, fasting, repentance and seeking the face of God from January 22 – March 8.  

     The Holy Spirit has spoken to me (that’s a long story with lots of confirmations spanning the last 7 years) that this 45 day window is time to pray for LIFE and Revival.  Our posture in DC for these 45 days is as follows. 

    • Every day from Noon until 5pm we will be partnering with in DC, prayer sieging at the Supreme Court, but in the courts of Heaven, for LIFE in America
    • Every Night  from 7-11pm we will be gathering for worship and prayer at “The Christian Center” (formally known as Christ Church) 3855 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington DC 20016.  Like David’s Tent, these gatherings will be primarily worship. Psalms 42:1-2 is a key scripture for these gatherings.  “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirst for the living God, When can I go and meet with God?”  God is taking us  to this “well” to satisfy our souls as we bless Him in worship! 

 Christ Church is where a bible study called T.A.G. (Take and Give) met in the 70’s that drew up to 2000 young adults.  T.A.G. certainly gets a dot on the Revival History Timeline in DC (if not the biggest one). Many national and local leaders have roots in meeting with God at this location. Our connection comes from a divine partnership the Spirit made since January 1st between Pastor David Owens and I.  With many wild confirmations, I can truly and purely say “God has led us to this location.” 


Our prayer is:  “God, re-dig the well of revival in me.”


     Please come and join us at the Supreme Court and/or The Christian Center. Come late or leave early. Come and go as you please! If you are available to serve on worship teams for the night gatherings or if you would like to come and serve as a whole team, we would be very grateful!

Please contact us at


To Jesus be all the glory,

Jason Hershey

 P.S. if you really want the story of how God has called us to these 45 days, email us back at and we will send you an abbreviated list of my personal “prophetic History”  concerning these days to come. 

As Praise Goes Up

What a great time we had last night with Sean Feucht leading us in worship! We are so blessed by all the groups that have come out to lead worship for us. It is so beautiful and reflective of Heaven to have worship leaders from all over the country with so many different styles come praise God in the tent. A big thanks to all the groups who have come from near and far to sacrifice their time to help us carry out this continuous love song!

One amazing testimony that I wanted to share with you guys comes all the way from Denmark! An amazing woman of God has been joining us via the website and the live stream since the beginning of David's Tent. She has been deaf in one ear with a loud ringing noise in it for the past year and a half, but as she was listening to the live stream on Wednesday night God completely healed her! It is so good of God to pour out the blessings that we've been receiving on the Ellipse to everyone contending with us all over the world! God is still a God of great power and miracles and we are believing for even more testimonies like this one! 

Join us on the White House Ellipse or the live stream tonight from 7-9 pm where Jason Hershey is going to be leading us in worship. And remember that David's Tent has been extended through to 7 am on November 7th. We will be live streaming the entire day on November 6th as well. God Bless!

Lexi Stevens

If you have a testimony from David's Tent that you would like to share then email

The Music Lady

The final week of David's Tent is underway and exciting things are happening! The Lord is releasing fresh joy over the tent and vision for the future! 

As New Song Church from Virginia lead us out in worship on Thursday, Dutch Sheets came up to refocus us as we worship in these final days of David's Tent. He told us about a dream that his daughter had about a month ago that, in so many words, revealed the "music lady" (or the worship movement) to be the key to the revival that we want to see in America in these coming weeks. As we seek change in our country, we must look to Jesus as our hope. He is worthy of our worship and, in his arms, there is no fear!

Last night we had the great privilege of having Island Breeze, a group from the Hawaiian Islands, lead us in corporate worship. They released joy in the tent and everyone was on their feet and dancing. It was such a refreshing time of child like worship that lifted any heaviness off the hearts of those watching. The island culture has so much to offer the church and it was an honor to have Hawaii, as well as many other cultures and languages represented in the tent over these 40 days.

Join us on the White House Ellipse tonight from 7-9 as Sean Feucht leads us in worship. If you can't make it to the tent then be sure to join us on the live stream at 7 pm EST. Above all, remember that YOU are David's Tent and you can worship Jesus at any time in any place and it moves His heart. God Bless!

Psalm 29.2 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.

If you have any testimonies from David's Tent that you would like to share then email

David’s Tent is back on the Ellipse!

David's Tent DC is moving back to the White House Ellipse tonight at 9 pm! So please join us tonight at Faith Tabernacle where Jason Hershey will be leading worship from 7-9 pm and then head over to the Ellipse to keep the love song going! 

It's hard to believe that five weeks have passed and we are officially in the final week of David's Tent. These first five weeks have been life changing, not only for those who come to visit the tent, but also for those who have been there the whole time as volunteers. The Lord has been so sweet to the volunteers and He is constantly pouring out His presence as they are keeping watch over the tent. Every time I talk with the volunteers I hear new stories of how God is giving them fresh revelation about His love and purpose for their lives and I can already tell that they will not walk away from this experience the same. It is amazing to see that as we come here to do nothing but pour into the heart of God, He is so faithful to pour back into our hearts. What a wonderful God we serve!

When you have the right heart position it is impossible to spend time in God's presence and not walk away changed. If you haven't had a chance to join us yet on the Ellipse then make sure to stop by in the next week or join us on the live stream and let your praises be a part of our 40 day love song to the only living God!  

God Bless!

Lexi Stevens

Do you have a testimony from David's Tent? Let it be known by emailing

Weathering the Storm

The storm has passed through DC and everyone here with David's Tent remains safe and sound. The worship continued through the storm at Faith Tabernacle, where we were strategically located right behind the Supreme Court. Our volunteers went to the church prepared for anything, including power outages and getting stranded, but the power stayed on and the streets were safe throughout DC. Our prayers are certainly with those who got hit the hardest by Hurricane Sandy and any families who may have lost their loved ones.

We enjoyed a wonderful two hour hymn sing on Sunday night with the Hershey family. It was amazing to revisit those old hymns that sparked some of the great revivals of the past and sing them over our country today. When you really hear the words of the hymns you find that they are full of pure faith and gospel truth that can move any heart in any age. It was truly a spirit-filled and blessed time. 

Tonight, we have Michael Ketterer from United Pursuit Band playing our 7-9 pm set, so if you cannot make it out to the church then please join us on the live stream! If you can make it to Faith Tabernacle, then be sure to stay for the 9-11 pm set which will be lead in American Sign Language by Kari Olney. I hope everyone worshiping along side of us is safe and sound today. God Bless!



Have any testimonies from David's Tent that you want to be shared? Email 

David’s Tent is temporarily moving!!!

David’s Tent is temporarily moving!!!


This is the announcement that you’ve all be waiting for!  

We will praise Him through the storm!  But we will be changing locations.  At 7am Sunday morning, we will be moving the song from the tent on the White House Ellipse to Capitol Hill!  We are excited that God (again!!!) has opened a door for an extremely strategic location.  We are moving from being one block from the WhiteHouse to being now, ONE BLOCK FROM THE SUPREME COURT and three blocks to the Capital Building!  

Faith Tabernacle Church, Capitol Hill, Washington DCSunday morning Oct 28th at 7am, Davids Tent DC will move to Faith Tabernacle Church, 300 A Street NE  Washington DC 20002.  Much thanks to Pastor Frazier White and the church family at Faith Tabernacle!  Come and keep this torch blazing bright no matter the weather!! When Sandy passes over and we dry out, we plan to move back to the ellipse. We will keep you informed.

Special note:  Sunday night from 7-9pm we will be having a two hour “hymn sing” of nothing but the hymns of the faith, at Faith Tabernacle!  We are excited to have this set as a part of the 40 day love song, that the faith of past generations would keep on resounding into the next!  Come and Sing your heart out with us!

Thank you all that have invested so much into this lamp of worship!  

For His Glory, Always,

Jason Hershey
David’s Tent DC

Hurricane Sandy Update


Dear Worshippers!

As tropical storm "Sandy" is forecasted to be heading our way, we want to keep you up to date with plans for this 40 day love song to keep resonating no matter the weather.

First, pray for the storm to chill out a little!! "peace be still!"

Secondly, please pray for myself and our staff as we make critical decisions and timing.

Third, stay tuned via the website for any announcements. If we need to evacuate the White House Ellipse our current backup location is Faith Tabernacle Church. 300 A Street NE Washington DC 20002. This is on Capitol Hill, one block directly east of the Supreme Court. Many thanks to Pastor Frazier White and Faith Tabernacle for there willingness to host David's tent DC!

May the name of the Lord be praised!

Jason Hershey


David's Tent DC