by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 22, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Exciting News!
One of the dreams on our heart when we started David’s Tent was that it would multiply and that there would be tents of continuous worship rising up all across the country. Not through our own efforts, but organically through networks of local houses of prayer, churches and ministries that partner together to make it happen.
We’ve just received word that “David’s Tent” has spread to Washington State! At the same time as we raise our tent on the Ellipse, a group of passionate lovers of Jesus led by the National Day of Prayer Washington State will be launching a 75 hour worship tent on the lawn of the State Capitol in Olympia. We’re so excited to see this movement of public continuous worship spread across America. Jesus is worthy of praise throughout our nation, from Washington State to Washington DC!
Only 49 states more to go! Lets start a movement enthroning Jesus on our praises and making Him central in our capital cities! Why? He’s worthy! And we love Him!
Rebecca Montgomery
by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 17, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Exciting News!
Starting tonight at 9 pm we’re going to begin a Moravian style prayer watch at the White House Ellipse that will go through to the start of David’s Tent next Tuesday, September 24th, at 7 pm. It’s not an event, there won’t be a tent up or anything. Nor will there be a band playing continuously. Just one or two people there at a time praying for David’s Tent this fall. We know that God answers the prayers of his people so we’re dedicating the entire week prior to the event to prayer.
We covet your prayers, so please join us in prayer wherever you’re at across the nation! We are so thankful for all of the churches, ministries and intercessors that cover our ministry in prayer!
Here are some prayer points for you:
1. For the presence of Holy Spirit on The Ellipse. That all staff, all worship leaders, and all the people coming, would be very aware at all times of Jesus!
2. We still need finances to make David’s Tent happen! Pray for full provision within the next week. “David’s Rent for David’s Tent!”
3. Pray for more Nightwatch worship leaders and a continuing momentum of worship leaders signing up take watches even during the day.
3. Pray for the word to get out about Davids Tent. Both for people to come to the tent (it would be encouraging to have a nice crowd there with us) and also that it would go as a prophetic word across America calling our nation to centeredness around the man Jesus!
4. Pray for the media. We really believe that the media are to be our ally this year and cover David’s Tent!
5. Pray for our President and his family. The reason we are doing this is simply because Jesus is worthy. However we believe that this is to be intercession for the first family as well. David’s Tent desires to be a blessing to our President and governmental leaders!
Also, be sure to come and out and join us on September 24th at 7 pm as we kick-off David’s Tent! We’d love to see you there!
Becca Montgomery
by Ryan Montgomery | Sep 12, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Rally Caps – The Helmet of Salvation
by Jason Hershey
Have you ever been to baseball game, when your team is down a couple runs going into the ninth inning? That’s when you need to rally! It’s time to cheer on your team like never before, turn your hats inside out and backwards! Rally your team to victory.

It’s easy to look at a culture that seems to be going further from Jesus and feel a little like we, as Christians, are down a couple runs. But wait a minute….there is a Remnant!
I don’t know if I can fully explain it, but in the midst of desperation I sense for our nation, a rally has begun within my soul. A rally of gratitude for what Christ has done! A rally of faith that Jesus will pull us through. A rally of assurance that Jesus is Alive and will lead His people through to Victory!
So… WE ARE RALLYING!!! Come On! Gather with us in Washington DC! Lets get our praise on! Come and rally around the Savior, Jesus! Jesus always wins, even in the 10th inning!
For the Lamb!
Jason Hershey
by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 11, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update

Jesus is worthy of our worship and adoration 24/7/365. This is a core value of our community! It’s one of the reasons we do David’s Tent DC every fall, and why we worship around the clock. Last year our goal for 2013’s tent was that 24/7 worship in Washington, DC would start with David’s Tent and never stop. The exciting news is that this year we didn’t just wait until David’s Tent to start 24/7 worship and prayer. No, we started early! No delay! We’ve been going 24/7 in conjunction with Washington House of Prayer since July 4th and our goal is to continue to do so after the tent as well. Worship is central to everything we do as David’s Tent staff. Everything revolves around the presence of God!
Monday-Friday our staff has a 2 hr corporate set where we spend time intentionally seeking the Lord together. Sometimes it’s worship, sometimes its prayer but this week we’ve had a specific focus on worship and it’s been awesome! One of my favorite things that happened this week is shown in the photo above. We had a “family band” moment and everyone in the room jumped on stage and grabbed an instrument. Lots of people were singing, shaking maracas and beating on the djembes. Everyone was releasing their sound of worship and all together in unity. It was super fun! It got me so stoked for David’s Tent!
Are you bringing your family band to David’s Tent?
See you this fall,
by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 7, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Anticipation is almost tangible in the air. Faith and excitement levels are rising daily. And as the crisp fall breeze begins to blow again here in Washington, DC final preparations are well underway for David’s Tent. We’re less than 3 weeks away and definitely in the final stretch now! We’re almost halfway booked for worship teams, the administration is going smoothly, 24/7 worship and prayer is rising to the Lord in the midst of the planning and it’s all been FUN. I know I say this every week, but I really can’t wait. I’m counting down the days!
Everyone else in our community is full of anticipation too. A lot of new people have joined our team since last fall, so we have quite a conglomeration of people! Many of us were involved in the core group of staff that pioneered the tent last fall, as well as several new staff members that have joined us since and many students that are involved with the David’s Tent Discipleship Training School and the American Sign Language Training School. Since not all of us were there at the very beginning, a few days ago we all took a field trip to one of our favorite spots–the White House Ellipse–to retell the story of David’s Tent.
As our founder, Jason Hershey, took some time just to recount the tale of the pioneering process I could feel my heart getting re-energized with faith for this year all over again. It was amazing to be reminded of the prophetic words and scriptures that God spoke to us in the very beginning and how he provided for us over and over and over again in order to even be able to do it. We feel it’s truly from the Lord, and it really is the Lord bringing it about! There’s no way we’d be able to make it happen without him! Jesus really is so worthy to be praised and exalted over this nation!
After we heard the story again, we all took a prayer walk around the Ellipse and prayed over the land. We also spent some time praying specifically on the southwestern quadrant of the Ellipse where David’s Tent will be this fall. Last year we were on the opposite side in the southeastern quadrant, but due to a broken steam line on that side, we’ve been moved this year. For all of those who were there last year–don’t worry! It’s just across the oval, you’ll find us! To conclude our time there we ended with acapella worship and by taking communion together. It was a beautiful time of prayer and worship together as staff. The presence of the Lord is just so sweet in that place!
Please keep our team in your prayers in this final stretch! Our biggest needs right now are financial donations, worship teams coming to worship in the night hours and simply getting the word out.
I’m thrilled to be back at the White House Ellipse with you all in just a few weeks! See you there!
PS. If you want to find out more about the story behind David’s Tent, please watch our 25 minute documentary here:
We also have a 45 minute version available for purchase here:
by Ryan Montgomery | Sep 3, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Dear David’s Tent worshippers,
I just got this “back story to David’s Tent” this morning. It’s so encouraging to see how God has been moving through his people in DC. You HAVE to read this written by David Ruleman! TheGate Church community, led by Pastors David and Tracy Ruleman, have been a source of great encouragement to my family and I and played a huge role not only in David’s Tent 2012, but as you can read below, David’s Tent is standing on the shoulders of years of worship, intercession and prayer that have prepared the way. Wow!
Jesus we love Your Presence in the Capital City!
Jason Hershey
The Gate’s Backstory. by David Ruleman
In 2000 we began worshipping in Washington DC. At first we went in once a month and then once a week.
Our heart was to see 24/7 worship established in the city. In 2002 Tracy and I took a group of leaders to Israel and late in the evening on March 9, 2002 the Moment Café was bombed by a terrorist. We were meeting in an East Jerusalem hotel and the building shook at impact. We had asked Rick Ridings, founder of Succat Halell, 24/7 House of Prayer in Jerusalem. to speak to the leaders. As sirens echoed off the hotel walls Rick said the question is not about Arabs and Jews it is about “who will be worshipped on Gods’ holy hill.’
We said to ourselves, Our question is, “who will be worshipped on Capitol Hill?.” We came away more committed than ever to establishing a House of Prayer and 24/7 worship in Washington DC. The Gate continued to worship and welcome the presence of the Lord. Teams came monthly for 24-30 hours of Washington Worships. Other groups started meeting monthly to form a web of continuous worship.
Curt Malloy invested himself into the effort. Jane Snyder raised up youth from South East who kept all night watches and Thomas Kenny took over and continued to gather teams for Washington Worships.
In 2011 God began to move and a radical shift began to take place. Rick Ridings came to The Gate in Washington DC and was introduced to Jason Hershey. At a meeting in the Israel room at our house Rick prophesied that our time of preparing the way was ending and that God had raised up Jason to establish
The House of Prayer in Washington DC. We were to continue to build fires around the city and in a sense lob fire into DC. In 2011 we moved The Gate to Northern Virginia and on New Year’s Eve we “lobbed a fire ball “ into the city when we The Gate sent Jason back into the city to remain until the House of Prayer was built.
In the 12th year, 2012, Jason never left city limits. Worship began and the Lord added a vision for 40 days of worship on the National Mall with 24/7 worship. It had never been done before. The entire idea was historic and its implementation and execution miraculous. The Washington DC House of Prayer has been raised up with 24/7 worship and now for the second year David’s Tent will be raised up on the Ellipse of the White House for another 40 days of continuous worship. The Lord Jesus will be worshipped and exalted in DC.
The Gate is totally committed to the DC House of Prayer and David’s Tent and we encourage you to give.
David Ruleman