by Rebecca Montgomery | Oct 3, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
All are safe and sound at David’s Tent after a tension filled afternoon in Washington, DC. The heart of the city was on lockdown because of a car chase that started at the White House after a woman rammed the barricade, on the opposite corner of the White House Ellipse from where we are, and continued to the Capitol. Shots were fired at the Capitol and reports are still not sure exactly what happened.
We were evacuated to the sidewalk of Constitution Avenue around 2 pm, during the middle of a set being led in American Sign Language, and we continued to worship. I had to leave at 4 pm and we still weren’t back on the ellipse at that time. We’re not sure when we’ll be back, but we’re expecting it to be soon. Even though we’re on the street for a bit we grabbed a guitar and the song continues!
Thank you all so much for all of your prayers. We know that your prayers are powerful and make a difference! Please continue to pray for us and for the city of Washington, DC today.
Rebecca Montgomery
by Rebecca Montgomery | Oct 3, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update

In the midst of the government shutdown Jesus is still moving! David’s Tent is still open and the song is still going on. It’s been a wild couple of days as the entire National Mall is barricaded off and shut down except for our event on the Ellipse. But through it all God is moving and drawing people to himself!
On Monday night one of our staff led a tourist from New Zealand to the Lord. He had come to the tent the day before and encountered Jesus but wasn’t ready to give his life to Him. He came back the next day, spent some time worshipping with us in the tent and gave his life to the Lord that night! The presence of the Lord is truly drawing people in and transforming their lives. This testimony was super encouraging to our team and I hope it will be to you as well! When we enthrone Jesus on our praises He comes and He changes things! I believe that this testimony is an encouragement to all of us that God is moving even as we lift His name up in the center of our nation’s capital.
Things are going well here at the tent. Worshippers continue to come from all over the nation to worship with us and the presence of the Lord just keeps getting sweeter. If you’re not already following us on Instagram, you can follow us at: davidstentdc. We’ll be posting live photos and videos from the worship sets around the clock. It’s a great way to see what’s going on at David’s Tent right then!
Please continue to keep David’s Tent in your prayers and covering our staff with prayer! We need it! :)
Rebecca Montgomery
by Rebecca Montgomery | Oct 1, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Dear Friends,
I am learning every day to never take Davids Tent for granted. David’s Tent DC is on the WhiteHouse Ellipse which is technically a

National Park. As the Government begins to shutdown, National Parks across the nation are closing and requiring all to leaveSo whatwill happen with David’s Tent? We are now in the midst of the 7th day, about 160 hours into this 1000 hour love song. Last night I had a “on my knees” moment as I came to the reality that I may need to go to back-up plans if we get kicked off the Ellipse.
This morning we received word from the National Park Service (NPS), that so far, we can remain! Praise God! Again, in technicality, we are permitted as a 1st amendment* religious demonstration. Therefore, we not only have permission, but (it seems) we have a right to do David’s Tent. We will now be supervised by the Secret Service, as all the NPS staff are off until further notice.
So the Government shuts down…. But the Song goes on! Praise the Lord! **
We will do all we can to keep the song rising as incense to the Lord. As all this is going on in DC, in the midst of David’s Tent, I’ve been been reminded that we are in a spiritual war, not a battle of flesh and blood. As you pray for Washington, DC and Davids Tent, please email us the prayers, scriptures and what you are receiving from the Lord! We love to hear from you! Thank you for keeping us girded up in prayer and encouragement! Come worship with us!
For the Glory of Jesus,
Jason Hershey
*The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
**Revelation paints a great picture of the reign of Jesus. The King on the throne, with elders, angels, living creatures and people from all nations gathered around! They have their harps of worship and bowls of prayers! The four living creatures never stop saying, “Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.” The governmental cabinet meeting of the King of Kings is a worship and prayer service that never stops! This is part of what drives me to contend for 24/7/365 worship in Washington DC. We want the government of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, released in this city. We know the inner circle generator of all we do in the Kingdom is worship and prayer! His Kingdom will never shut down!
by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 29, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
“One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.” Psalm 27:4
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! ….For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.” Psalm 133: 1, 3b
Unified praise is powerful. When the people of God come together to worship across denominational lines, across state lines and beyond our own church walls something shifts in the spiritual realm. No matter our backgrounds or church denominations we can all agree on this one thing–Jesus is worthy of our worship.
Last year the unity that I saw at David’s Tent was astounding. We had gospel choirs, punk rock groups, singer songwriters and hymn-sings. We had people from all denominations and organizations and the unity that was displayed was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. This year we’re seeing the exact same thing. Yesterday afternoon a “go-go” band led worship. Go-Go is often called the sound of DC. t’s a style that’s characterized by a drum beat that just never stops going! Go-Go bands are notorious for playing for 4, 6, 8 hours at a time without stopping. How fitting for an event where the music just keeps going for 1,000 hours!
The diversity in musical styles and denominations does nothing to hinder our unity, it only adds to it! I once heard it said that unity without diversity isn’t unity, it’s conformity. It’s true!
“1 I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”….4 That is where the tribes go up—the tribes of the Lord—to praise the name of the Lord according to the statute given to Israel 5 There stand the thrones for judgment, the thrones of the house of David.” Psalm 122: 1, 4-5
I love how it first states that Jerusalem is the place where the tribes go up to worship, and secondly the place of government. Now that’s making Jesus central! In the same way, we believe that Washington, DC, the governmental seat of America, is also the place where the tribes of America should come up to worship! The worship capital and the governmental capital! Come up and worship with us this fall through Nov. 5th.
Rebecca Montgomery
by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 28, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
The White House Ellipse has become a place of refuge for my soul. As soon I walk onto the land I feel at peace. The presence of God rests there and I can feel Him all around me.
One of my favorite things so far has been watching how the presence of the Lord draws people in. Yesterday a couple of girls were walking by and had no clue what we were doing. They just heard the music and felt God’s presence so strongly they had to find out what was happening. They were spirit-filled Christians and after talking to us, promptly signed up to lead worship at the tent the next morning before they left town! God is so good.
Over the past few days I’ve had the opportunity to share what we’re doing with tons of people that stop by as we’re worshipping. Everyone from government employees, to tourists, and locals seem curious about what we’re doing. I would be too if I didn’t know why there was a massive white tent on the ellipse! It’s incredible to see how many go beyond just stopping by and actually stay in the presence of the Lord, encountering Jesus.
Last year we had several people get healed as they were worshipping in the tent. They could barely walk as they entered the tent. But after worship they didn’t just walk out, they danced out completely healed! That’s the kind of thing that I’m praying for! The presence of the Lord is transformative. It sets the captives free, heals the sick, saves the lost and revives the saved. As we enthrone Jesus on our praises, His presence comes and the people around start getting touched by the Lord. That’s the beauty of an outdoor worship event. There aren’t any walls. Everyone can come freely and stay as long as they like and meet with Jesus. Please join your prayers with mine and pray that the presence of the Lord would continue to increase and people would encounter Jesus every time they step foot into the tent. We just want to see His face!
Rebecca Montgomery
by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 25, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Last night at 7 pm we began our 1,000 hours of continuous love songs to Jesus on the White House Ellipse. The presence of the Lord was so sweet last night. Around 200 people came to the kick-off last night and worship just erupted in the tent last night! There was no sense of having to “press in” or work towards a breakthrough, there was just the presence of the Lord. Worship was simply the natural response to his presence and His goodness.
Last year our staff had to learn an entirely new skill set—-how to run a 40 day event on the White House Ellipse. It was completely unprecedented, there was no manual for it, we just had to figure it out as we went along. In the same way that when you’re learning an instrument you have to learn a few chords before you can let your heart truly soar in worship to the Lord, our staff was learning a new “instrument” last year. We were learning administratively how to run the event and although everything was being done as worship to Jesus, there’s definitely been a new grace on this year’s event. I don’t even know how to explain it except to tell you that I encountered the presence of the Lord more in the first two hours of David’s Tent this year than I did during the 40 days last year combined. That’s not to say that God’s presence wasn’t with us last year, it totally was, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that there’s a newness, a grace and a sense of His presence having been poured out on us this year. The hunger for God and adoration for Jesus in the Tent was tangible. As soon as the band started playing people fell straight into worship. Honestly, I can’t wait to get back there tonight.
I filmed a short video of Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace leading worship for us last night. Here it is!
I invite you all to come and join us this fall at David’s Tent DC. You won’t regret it! Jesus is here and He’s worthy to be praised! Come and sing your song as a part of our 1,000 hours of unbroken praise.
Rebecca Montgomery
by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 23, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Today is set-up day for David’s Tent DC. All day we’ve had our vendors come in and set up the tent and drop off porta-potties and sound equipment. I’ve been here at the White House ellipse all day, and it’s been incredible to watch the transformation. When we started this morning we just had a dream and a patch of grass in front of the White House, and now we’re almost ready to kick-off tomorrow night at 7 pm. We’re still putting the pieces together, but now everything we need to do that is here at the Ellipse!
Here are some pictures of the transformation:

The flooring being laid down. The truck arriving to unload the tent!

The President flying in overhead! The Tent being set up.

Here it is ladies and gentlemen: David’s Tent DC.
Join us tomorrow night for the kick-off of David’s Tent DC at 7 pm. We’ll start the 1,000 hour love song to Jesus with David Bradshaw with Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace leading worship. It’s sure to be a fantastic time with Jesus!
Rebecca Montgomery
by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 22, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Exciting News!
One of the dreams on our heart when we started David’s Tent was that it would multiply and that there would be tents of continuous worship rising up all across the country. Not through our own efforts, but organically through networks of local houses of prayer, churches and ministries that partner together to make it happen.
We’ve just received word that “David’s Tent” has spread to Washington State! At the same time as we raise our tent on the Ellipse, a group of passionate lovers of Jesus led by the National Day of Prayer Washington State will be launching a 75 hour worship tent on the lawn of the State Capitol in Olympia. We’re so excited to see this movement of public continuous worship spread across America. Jesus is worthy of praise throughout our nation, from Washington State to Washington DC!
Only 49 states more to go! Lets start a movement enthroning Jesus on our praises and making Him central in our capital cities! Why? He’s worthy! And we love Him!
Rebecca Montgomery
by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 17, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Exciting News!
Starting tonight at 9 pm we’re going to begin a Moravian style prayer watch at the White House Ellipse that will go through to the start of David’s Tent next Tuesday, September 24th, at 7 pm. It’s not an event, there won’t be a tent up or anything. Nor will there be a band playing continuously. Just one or two people there at a time praying for David’s Tent this fall. We know that God answers the prayers of his people so we’re dedicating the entire week prior to the event to prayer.
We covet your prayers, so please join us in prayer wherever you’re at across the nation! We are so thankful for all of the churches, ministries and intercessors that cover our ministry in prayer!
Here are some prayer points for you:
1. For the presence of Holy Spirit on The Ellipse. That all staff, all worship leaders, and all the people coming, would be very aware at all times of Jesus!
2. We still need finances to make David’s Tent happen! Pray for full provision within the next week. “David’s Rent for David’s Tent!”
3. Pray for more Nightwatch worship leaders and a continuing momentum of worship leaders signing up take watches even during the day.
3. Pray for the word to get out about Davids Tent. Both for people to come to the tent (it would be encouraging to have a nice crowd there with us) and also that it would go as a prophetic word across America calling our nation to centeredness around the man Jesus!
4. Pray for the media. We really believe that the media are to be our ally this year and cover David’s Tent!
5. Pray for our President and his family. The reason we are doing this is simply because Jesus is worthy. However we believe that this is to be intercession for the first family as well. David’s Tent desires to be a blessing to our President and governmental leaders!
Also, be sure to come and out and join us on September 24th at 7 pm as we kick-off David’s Tent! We’d love to see you there!
Becca Montgomery
by Ryan Montgomery | Sep 12, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Rally Caps – The Helmet of Salvation
by Jason Hershey
Have you ever been to baseball game, when your team is down a couple runs going into the ninth inning? That’s when you need to rally! It’s time to cheer on your team like never before, turn your hats inside out and backwards! Rally your team to victory.

It’s easy to look at a culture that seems to be going further from Jesus and feel a little like we, as Christians, are down a couple runs. But wait a minute….there is a Remnant!
I don’t know if I can fully explain it, but in the midst of desperation I sense for our nation, a rally has begun within my soul. A rally of gratitude for what Christ has done! A rally of faith that Jesus will pull us through. A rally of assurance that Jesus is Alive and will lead His people through to Victory!
So… WE ARE RALLYING!!! Come On! Gather with us in Washington DC! Lets get our praise on! Come and rally around the Savior, Jesus! Jesus always wins, even in the 10th inning!
For the Lamb!
Jason Hershey
by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 11, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update

Jesus is worthy of our worship and adoration 24/7/365. This is a core value of our community! It’s one of the reasons we do David’s Tent DC every fall, and why we worship around the clock. Last year our goal for 2013’s tent was that 24/7 worship in Washington, DC would start with David’s Tent and never stop. The exciting news is that this year we didn’t just wait until David’s Tent to start 24/7 worship and prayer. No, we started early! No delay! We’ve been going 24/7 in conjunction with Washington House of Prayer since July 4th and our goal is to continue to do so after the tent as well. Worship is central to everything we do as David’s Tent staff. Everything revolves around the presence of God!
Monday-Friday our staff has a 2 hr corporate set where we spend time intentionally seeking the Lord together. Sometimes it’s worship, sometimes its prayer but this week we’ve had a specific focus on worship and it’s been awesome! One of my favorite things that happened this week is shown in the photo above. We had a “family band” moment and everyone in the room jumped on stage and grabbed an instrument. Lots of people were singing, shaking maracas and beating on the djembes. Everyone was releasing their sound of worship and all together in unity. It was super fun! It got me so stoked for David’s Tent!
Are you bringing your family band to David’s Tent?
See you this fall,