by Rebecca Montgomery | Sep 7, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Anticipation is almost tangible in the air. Faith and excitement levels are rising daily. And as the crisp fall breeze begins to blow again here in Washington, DC final preparations are well underway for David’s Tent. We’re less than 3 weeks away and definitely in the final stretch now! We’re almost halfway booked for worship teams, the administration is going smoothly, 24/7 worship and prayer is rising to the Lord in the midst of the planning and it’s all been FUN. I know I say this every week, but I really can’t wait. I’m counting down the days!
Everyone else in our community is full of anticipation too. A lot of new people have joined our team since last fall, so we have quite a conglomeration of people! Many of us were involved in the core group of staff that pioneered the tent last fall, as well as several new staff members that have joined us since and many students that are involved with the David’s Tent Discipleship Training School and the American Sign Language Training School. Since not all of us were there at the very beginning, a few days ago we all took a field trip to one of our favorite spots–the White House Ellipse–to retell the story of David’s Tent.
As our founder, Jason Hershey, took some time just to recount the tale of the pioneering process I could feel my heart getting re-energized with faith for this year all over again. It was amazing to be reminded of the prophetic words and scriptures that God spoke to us in the very beginning and how he provided for us over and over and over again in order to even be able to do it. We feel it’s truly from the Lord, and it really is the Lord bringing it about! There’s no way we’d be able to make it happen without him! Jesus really is so worthy to be praised and exalted over this nation!
After we heard the story again, we all took a prayer walk around the Ellipse and prayed over the land. We also spent some time praying specifically on the southwestern quadrant of the Ellipse where David’s Tent will be this fall. Last year we were on the opposite side in the southeastern quadrant, but due to a broken steam line on that side, we’ve been moved this year. For all of those who were there last year–don’t worry! It’s just across the oval, you’ll find us! To conclude our time there we ended with acapella worship and by taking communion together. It was a beautiful time of prayer and worship together as staff. The presence of the Lord is just so sweet in that place!
Please keep our team in your prayers in this final stretch! Our biggest needs right now are financial donations, worship teams coming to worship in the night hours and simply getting the word out.
I’m thrilled to be back at the White House Ellipse with you all in just a few weeks! See you there!
PS. If you want to find out more about the story behind David’s Tent, please watch our 25 minute documentary here:
We also have a 45 minute version available for purchase here:
by Ryan Montgomery | Sep 3, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Dear David’s Tent worshippers,
I just got this “back story to David’s Tent” this morning. It’s so encouraging to see how God has been moving through his people in DC. You HAVE to read this written by David Ruleman! TheGate Church community, led by Pastors David and Tracy Ruleman, have been a source of great encouragement to my family and I and played a huge role not only in David’s Tent 2012, but as you can read below, David’s Tent is standing on the shoulders of years of worship, intercession and prayer that have prepared the way. Wow!
Jesus we love Your Presence in the Capital City!
Jason Hershey
The Gate’s Backstory. by David Ruleman
In 2000 we began worshipping in Washington DC. At first we went in once a month and then once a week.
Our heart was to see 24/7 worship established in the city. In 2002 Tracy and I took a group of leaders to Israel and late in the evening on March 9, 2002 the Moment Café was bombed by a terrorist. We were meeting in an East Jerusalem hotel and the building shook at impact. We had asked Rick Ridings, founder of Succat Halell, 24/7 House of Prayer in Jerusalem. to speak to the leaders. As sirens echoed off the hotel walls Rick said the question is not about Arabs and Jews it is about “who will be worshipped on Gods’ holy hill.’
We said to ourselves, Our question is, “who will be worshipped on Capitol Hill?.” We came away more committed than ever to establishing a House of Prayer and 24/7 worship in Washington DC. The Gate continued to worship and welcome the presence of the Lord. Teams came monthly for 24-30 hours of Washington Worships. Other groups started meeting monthly to form a web of continuous worship.
Curt Malloy invested himself into the effort. Jane Snyder raised up youth from South East who kept all night watches and Thomas Kenny took over and continued to gather teams for Washington Worships.
In 2011 God began to move and a radical shift began to take place. Rick Ridings came to The Gate in Washington DC and was introduced to Jason Hershey. At a meeting in the Israel room at our house Rick prophesied that our time of preparing the way was ending and that God had raised up Jason to establish
The House of Prayer in Washington DC. We were to continue to build fires around the city and in a sense lob fire into DC. In 2011 we moved The Gate to Northern Virginia and on New Year’s Eve we “lobbed a fire ball “ into the city when we The Gate sent Jason back into the city to remain until the House of Prayer was built.
In the 12th year, 2012, Jason never left city limits. Worship began and the Lord added a vision for 40 days of worship on the National Mall with 24/7 worship. It had never been done before. The entire idea was historic and its implementation and execution miraculous. The Washington DC House of Prayer has been raised up with 24/7 worship and now for the second year David’s Tent will be raised up on the Ellipse of the White House for another 40 days of continuous worship. The Lord Jesus will be worshipped and exalted in DC.
The Gate is totally committed to the DC House of Prayer and David’s Tent and we encourage you to give.
David Ruleman
by Ryan Montgomery | Aug 30, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
David’s Tent, Why the Name?
By Jason Hershey
David’s Tent… Where did it all begin?
For David it all began as a young boy with a bottom-of-the-barrel job – shepherding. This difficult “lot in life” didn’t phase him though. The glory of the Lord far eclipsed the fatigue or monotony of the job. He was far too impressed with the Lord to let life’s hardships hinder his worship. Harp in hand, on the hills of Bethlehem, David would make God’s heart swell with joy with every note of love from his soul!
Meanwhile, it seems God was jealous to find a home. Generations earlier in Deuteronomy 18, the children of Israel were instructed to look for the place that God desired to dwell; yet the Ark of the Covenant (a.k.a. the Ark of His Presence) had been all over the place. God had brought the tribes of Israel into their inheritance, yet the Ark of His Presence wandered to and fro, from places like Ashdod and Gath to Beth-Shemesh and Baal-Judah. King Saul’s heart soured into disobedience and God was looking for a new king. No doubt God was looking for someone who would have the nerve to make His Presence the central-most point of their his administration, without ever neglecting righteous and justice. He finds David and sends His prophet, Samuel to anoint this worshiping young shepherd and the rest is History.
David becomes king and he delivers what God had hoped for – big time. He finds the place that God desired to dwell, conquered the land from the Jebusites, and moved his palace there from Hebron. And, then came the crowning achievement of David’s life (pun intended!): David brings the Ark of the Covenant there – into Jerusalem! God is finally home!
David danced before the Lord as the procession of Levites brought the Presence of God into the place where he desired to dwell. I can only imagine the anticipation of heaven as Jerusalem finally became home for the Ark. The earth would never be the same. Jerusalem, the city of all cities, was finally founded.
David put the Ark under a tent he had pitched for it and, as an explosion of devotion, he commissioned 4,288 musicians and singers to minister to the Lord continually around the Ark, night and day. This 24/7/365 worship tent went on for the length of his reign in Jerusalem, 33 years; and it prepared the way for Solomon’s temple.
God knew that He was already central in David’s heart, and now David was making Him central in His nation also. I’ve often imagined David saying to the Lord:
“You anointed me king, but I declare You are!”
With this act of establishing a tent of worship of God in his capital city, I believe David’s heart was to have this worship tent be a perpetual coronation of the One that anointed him.
“O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel.”
— David, Psalm 22:3
It’s no coincidence that these were the golden years of Israel’s history. This king with the heart of a priest did what he did as an overflow of His devotion to God. And his devotion is the inspiration behind “Davids Tent DC.” But why did David do it? Why should we? Check in with my next article: David’s Tent DC, Why Worship?
by Rebecca Montgomery | Aug 28, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Our house of prayer and David’s Tent staff have been praying a lot into the concept of boredom lately. Why would we ever be bored when we’re in a relationship with God?? He’s the most interesting, most captivating and most creative being ever! He’s so creative he even created the world! Woah! Every time that we think we know Jesus we can catch a different glimpse of who He is, and get a deeper revelation. We could discover more about God every single day and never run out of things to find out about Him! That’s the least boring thing ever.
I posted a status about this on my personal facebook account yesterday and someone commented “Someone who is bored is not in love!” It’s a blunt statement but it rings with truth. I don’t get tired or bored of my husband even though I’m around him 24/7 for no other reason than that I’m in love! I can’t get enough of him! The same is true with Jesus. There’s always more to discover. That’s such good news!
The other aspect that we’ve been meditating on is that God never gets bored of us either. I mean think about it, God has angels and elders around his throne crying out “Holy, Holy, Holy!” for ALL OF ETERNITY and he NEVER GETS TIRED OF IT. To our boredom saturated culture that doesn’t even compute. But it’s true! We could sing him the same song of worship day and night forever and He’d never get tired of our voice because He loves us. And oh wait! We’re going to do that, for ALL OF ETERNITY! He loves to hear our voice and He loves it when we draw near to Him!
I’ve been learning the keyboard the past few months and so I’ve been worshipping a lot with it in the prayer room. My husband Ryan and I cover 2 hrs every day at Washington House of Prayer and lately we’ve been going deep in the place of worship and singing love songs to Jesus. Well, that’s fine and dandy, but I barely know any songs on the keyboard. In fact, for the past month the only song I’ve been able to play well is My Soul Sings. So I sang it. And I sang it. And I sang it. EVERY DAY. For a very long time. It’s true, I could have sang acapella or played the guitar or even just beat on a drum but I just loved worshipping on the keyboard. I kept singing the song and I started to really encounter the Lord every time I sang it. I realized personally that Jesus doesn’t get tired of my voice. Not even when I sing Him the same song over and over and over and over every day because he loves my voice and he loves my heart of worship to Him. And that just inspires me to worship Him even more!
So out of that revelation I wrote a song called Never Tired of my Voice. It’s still in the works, but I’m hoping to record it this fall. Here’s the heart of the song for you!
Never Tired of My Voice— Rebecca Montgomery 2013
Jesus you blow me away
I sing you this song every day
But you never get tired of my voice
Becca Montgomery
(Never Tired of My Voice – Copyright Rebecca Montgomery 2013)
by Rebecca Montgomery | Aug 21, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
“Release your voice” has become a common phrase around the David’s Tent office over the past couple weeks. It’s been something that the Lord has been challenging us on as a community. He’s been speaking to us that it’s time to make some noise, share what God has placed inside of us individually and stop being silent! It’s much easier sometimes to stay quiet and not share our thoughts, feelings and ideas, but God has placed inside each of us a voice that we need to use. The Lord loves to hear our voice! It’s time to stop the silence.
The application of this concept has looked different for everybody on our staff. For some it means literally speaking louder throughout their day, for others it means that they step out with a prophetic chorus in the prayer room and for me–it’s looked like writing. I’ve known for awhile now that the Lord has called me to be a writer but I never actually did anything about it. I never really wrote anything. I would feel paralyzed when I got to the point of starting to write and for some reason I couldn’t actually do it. Even though I knew it was what I was called to. This was so frustrating for me, as you can probably imagine! How was I supposed to move past it and actually become a writer? Well, the Lord has his ways. :) This blog actually has been one of the ways that the Lord has gotten me to write! It’s been a great method to get me to sit down and formulate my thoughts onto paper. I’ve found my ability to write more freely has increased since I began to regularly write about something–anything! But the real breakthrough happened for me one day in the prayer room.
One afternoon in 0ur 24/7 prayer room the Father showed me that I was believing lies about my voice. Lies such as “I don’t have any good ideas,” and “Even if I do, no one will want to read what I have to say.” As he revealed the lies to me I began to repent and ask the Lord’s forgiveness. And let me just say, there is SO MUCH freedom in repentance! The next thing I knew I was standing on top of a chair in the prayer room declaring in a loud voice “I HAVE A VOICE! I AM A WRITER! I HAVE GREAT IDEAS!” And in that moment, I got my breakthrough! Last night for the first time in a long time, I sat down and wrote something just for fun. It was just a fun little essay and may not have seemed like a big deal to most, but to me it was a huge breakthrough! Thanks, Jesus! :) It’s one more step for me in releasing my voice! I won’t be silent anymore! This girl is going to write!
I challenge you to release your voice and step out in faith. Now is the time to let our voices be heard!
Join us this fall as we raise our voices in worship at the White House Ellipse. September 24- November 5.
by Rebecca Montgomery | Aug 14, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Today our staff had a prayer meeting specifically for David’s Tent. We just spent about an hour and a half waiting on the Lord, asking Him for vision and language for the tent this fall. What’s the specific call for this year? What does he want to do through our time there? It’s all about worship, it’s all because he’s worthy, but beyond that what does the Lord want to release through the tent? What are some strategic ways for us to pray? All these are questions we were asking the Lord, and He was answering!
It was a really encouraging time of corporate unity in prayer. Honestly, it was just a really fun prayer meeting too! I left so excited for David’s Tent to start this fall! It’s 41 days away and I just can’t wait. The Holy Spirit is stirring up such joy in my heart. I know you’re probably anxious to hear what the Lord was speaking to us today, but you’ll have to wait just a little bit longer. :) We’re still praying as a staff and solidifying specific language to what the Lord is speaking. Soon we’ll be releasing new videos and blogs calling people to come this fall, so keep a look out! Please keep us in your prayers, and seek the Lord with us for His heart for David’s Tent this fall. It’s going to be amazing, because Jesus is amazing and it’s all about Him. May He be glorified in every single second of worship this fall!
PS. 40 days of 24/7 or 1,000 hrs of worship is 3,600,000 seconds. In case you wondering. :)
by Rebecca Montgomery | Aug 10, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Lexi, our booking manager, has already booked over a quarter of the total slots for David’s Tent DC this fall! She’s been doing an amazing job getting people plugged in and scheduled to lead worship. She’s already booked over 130 of the 500 2 hr time slots and more and more emails keep coming in every day! People are coming from literally all across the nation to worship!
Last fall we saw this too, as people from all 50 states came to worship and 166 different bands led worship. We had expressions that ranged from gospel choirs, to punk rock, to hymn-sings to latino bi-lingual worship and so many more! That right there is to me one of the most amazing testimonies of David’s Tent. Last fall’s event possessed a unity that I’d never seen before. If the response that we’ve gotten this year already is any indicator, this fall is going to match, if not far surpass, last year in the wide variety of styles, peoples and denominations that are gathering together to sing Jesus a 40 day love song. I consider myself so privileged to be able to be there all 40 days and hear people’s hearts being poured out to the Lord day after day, hour after hour, in so many different sounds and ways. I wish I could explain to you how amazing it is but no amount of words could do it justice. You’ll just have to come and see!
<enter shameless plug here> If you want to lead worship during one or more of the 2 hr worship slots send Lexi the booking genius an email at: We still have spots available, but move quick and send us an email! They’re dwindling fast. If you aren’t a worship leader, come anyways! We’d love to worship with you at the tent this fall. </end shameless plug>
See you this fall,
by Rebecca Montgomery | Aug 7, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
This week has been a bit of an unusual one here at the David’s Tent office. Most of our staff and students are in Lancaster, PA attending a Circuit Riders school and absolutely seeing their lives and the region forever changed! The rest of us are manning the 24/7 prayer room and continuing preparations for David’s Tent this fall. The smallness of our group has meant that we’re each pulling long hours in the prayer room ministering to the Lord, but it’s so worth it. Every time I’m in there I seem to go so much deeper into the Father’s heart and I know it’s the same for the rest of our staff too.
My time this afternoon in the prayer room was especially rich. I really felt the Lord challenging me with the question of where my emotional “barometer” is set. What’s my default emotion? Is it joy? Gratitude? Am I defaulting to the place of faith, or one of fear? It was a really good question for me to ponder. I realized it’s time to set the barometer a little higher in the place of joy, faith, love and gratitude! I want to set a new normal in my life of abundant joy and unstoppable faith. It’s times likes these in the prayer room that are so refreshing and sustaining.
I’m excited for the rest of our staff to come back, but there’s been something so sweet about these days going after the Lord with just a handful of people. There’s just nothing quite like it.
by Rebecca Montgomery | Aug 2, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Today is a Friday.
Friday’s are awesome.
Every Friday afternoon from July-September we have music lessons! Someone that was heavily involved in nightwatch at David’s Tent last fall offered our staff and students music lessons this summer and it’s been amazing! We have people who have never played an instrument before learning to worship Jesus with instruments as well as people who are improving their already amazing skills at music. And on top of that, we’re all getting theory and vocal lessons too! Ah, I’m so blessed. I’ve been asking the Lord for music lessons for the past couple months and he’s provided!
The music lessons have really taken our David’s Tent community into a place of deeper worship. It’s given so many people tools to worship Jesus on their own. I personally am learning the keyboard and I’ve seen my times of prayer and worship get so much more rich and intimate as I’m exploring new realms of music with Holy Spirit. Hopefully by the time the tent rolls around this fall I’ll be able to carry a two hour set by myself on the keyboard. I really want to play the piano in the middle of the night at the Ellipse this year! So, that’s the goal, and with that being said–it’s time to go practice.
Ps. Are you interested in nightwatch too? Email to sign up for a two hour acoustic time slot!
by Rebecca Montgomery | Jul 31, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
Hello everyone!
Welcome to my blog! My name is Becca and over the next several months I’ll be updating this blog regularly with stories, testimonies, updates and videos about David’s Tent from a personal point of view. Check this blog often to find out what’s happening behind the scenes at the David’s Tent DC office and hear stories of how the Lord is moving in Washington, DC!
My husband Ryan and I have been on staff with David’s Tent DC for about a year and a half now and we’re so excited about David’s Tent happening again this fall! Preparations are in full force here at the office and every day I get a little bit more anxious for it to get here already! I just can’t wait to worship with you all! Last year over 166 different worship teams and over 10,000 people from all 50 states and over 20 nations came and worshipped with us on the White House Ellipse. That’s amazing! The unity that was seen at the tent last year on a national level was astounding. We’re praying that this year all 50 states would be represented again and that the word would spread and that even more people would come. Not because we want a name for ourselves or even because we just want to have a really awesome event, but simply because Jesus is worthy of our worship. He’s so worthy of a nation gathering to praise him every fall. Lets make it a part of our culture as America that every fall we gather together to praise the name of Jesus–simply because he’s worthy. Invite all your friends, make a road trip out of it and come out to Washington, DC this fall for David’s Tent! September 24- November 5th. I hope to see you there!
Becca Montgomery
by Ryan Montgomery | Jul 8, 2013 | 24/7 worship, house of prayer, News Update
We are so excited to announce that David’s Tent will be returning this fall, from Sep. 24 – Nov. 5 on the White House Ellipse! Here’s a word from our founder Jason Hershey:
Dear David’s Tenters, It’s time to start setting new “normals” in America and in Washington, DC that boldly state: This is just who we are now! And, how can we (you, your friends, David’s Tent DC), have a hand in resetting the culture of America…? God has startled me with a Revolutionary Thought: a 40-day worship altar unto Jesus — on behalf of America, in Washington DC — ANNUALLY: Just because He is Worthy! We had a miracle moment with David’s Tent 2012 when the National Park Service (NPS) invited this 40-day worship volcano onto the White House Ellipse. We were asking for permitting for a local park some distance away — they suggested the Ellipse location by the White House! Then, at the end of last years David’s Tent, one of the Rangers from NPS asked me a question: “Have you considered making this an annual event?” She then went on to counsel me on how to be sure to get the permit for another year! Last year during David’s Tent, a new White House Christmas tree was planted on the ellipse. (The old one had died.) Every year there is a huge White House Christmas tree lighting ceremony and people from all over the nation flock to the Ellipse to see this tree during the weeks following. It’s just part of the culture of America and Washington, DC. In like manner, we believe it is on the heart of the Lord to make David’s Tent an annual part of the culture of America. As I’ve pondered making this an annual event, Paraclete (Holy Spirit) has confirmed to me that David’s Tent is about redefining a lifestyle of Presence-Centeredness for America! This isn’t about a one-year urgency or desperation for the Lord. It’s about a “new normal” being set: “In America, we celebrate Jesus 40 days every fall in our Capital, Washington DC! This is just what we do now! This is who we are as Americans that love Jesus! Our culture is changing! We are calling America to joyfully gather, with all hope and trust in our hearts, and express to Jesus that our first love is simply Him! Just Praise for 40 days! The oval altar (the Ellipse) by the oval office! Let’s vote for Jesus as Lord by enthroning him on our praise 24-7 for 40 days (Psalm 22:3)! Let’s redefine the primary purpose for our Capital to be a gathering place for the nation to praise the name of the Lord (Psalm 122:4)! This is a revolution worth dying for! Only for the Lamb! His Presence must be central in our Nation! Help us raise the tent again! He is still worthy of it all! Jason Hershey |
__________________________________________________ We are beckoning the nation’s worship leaders to come to DC as a congress of worship. We believe there are to be worship teams that represent – at some point during the 40 days – each of the 50 states! Come as a royal priesthood and minister to the Lord on behalf of your state and on behalf of America! 1. To sign up or to receive information on leading worship from the main stage, scheduled in two-hour time slots, switching on the odd hour, email 2. Night-watch – The night-watch is unplugged and is particularly anointed. There is a city ordinance that disallows amplification from 9pm-7am. But, the worship goes on! We have a good old-fashioned strings-and-hammers piano along with hand drums and acoustic guitars. We figure David didn’t have electricity and He still got it done! Due to the uniqueness of acoustic sets and the draw of an intimate time with Jesus during the night-watch we have set up an email address specifically for those jealous to lead worship during the night hour. |